Tag Archives: leadership

How does the way you open bottle tops relate to the way you manage your team? Ok. Bit random but here goes. My wife Mhairi has recently started a furniture upcycling and craft business. She’s got this cool idea of making a table whereby the…

“I know coaching is not a magic wand“. That’s what a client said to me yesterday. Bloody right it’s not! The magic however appears over time when – through focus, discipline, consistency and belief – things start to get done. Changes start to happen –…

Outside the Australian Institute for Sport is this statue of a pole vaulter that is there to inspire all athletes. What do you notice? He isn’t jumping over anything….there is NO bar. Why? The bar represents a barrier and the AIS don’t want their athletes…

Everyone is on their own journey. Some are consciously taking steps towards a pre-determined vision. Others are taking steps on a day-by-day basis and choose not to plot a particular path. I personally opt for the former but I respect the fact that others may…

One of the 14 Points of Culture in ActionCOACH is Abundance. Here’s how we describe this value….. “I am an abundant person, I deserve my abundance and I am easily able to both give and receive it. I allow abundance in all areas of my…

I can’t believe that up until Friday night I’d never watched this film. It was brilliant. I loved it. But here’s the thing, I’ll probably never watch it ever again. Why not? I have a tendency NOT to watch films a second time. I’ve seen…

I was speaking with someone yesterday who has perfectionist tendencies. A high quality individual who always does a brilliant job and his business is in the middle of an important “pivot“. Here’s the thing….the pivot needs to happen fairly quickly yet the natural pace of…

Are you a supplier to or partner of your clients? Had an interesting coaching session with a professional services client yesterday in which we discussed this question. I’d never used Partick Lencioni’s 5 Dysfunctions of a Team framework in the context of a ‘seller/buyer’ relationship…

At times we can be our own worst enemy can’t we? We immobilise ourselves with some of the self-talk in our heads. We worry about stuff that might not even be true!!! FEAR – False Expectations Appearing Real. A colleague of mine once said a…

STEAL WITH PRIDE A GOOD IDEA! My colleague and great friend Chris Henry told me about the gratitude jar that he and his wife Tracy Henry have in their house….and we nicked their idea for ours! The jar sits on our kitched window sill with…