I know coaching is not a magic wand“. That’s what a client said to me yesterday. Bloody right it’s not!

The magic however appears over time when – through focus, discipline, consistency and belief – things start to get done. Changes start to happen – both in the team, in clients and in the finances of the business.

A better analogy that I’ve been using quite a lot recently is the one of the brick.

If you’re wanting to build a wall, don’t focus on the wall. Focus only on laying a brick today. Lay it as well as you can lay it. Then another one tomorrow, then the next day and the next and over time you’ll have the wall.

I’m loving watching some clients start to “get their sh*t together” and starting to see the benefits appearing.

And to close off the magic theme, a joke….
I once knew a magician who could slow his heartbeat down until it stopped. But, to tell the truth, he only managed to pull it off once.

I’m here all week!