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Tag Archives: #coaching

“Alan, you’ll be having me write a best seller“. That’s what a client said earlier this week when we were discussing the benefits of putting effort into writing the Ops Manual for the business. And here’s why he was absolutely right in what he said.

Happy to take views on this but here’s my fairly strong perspective currently. “Staff” is a rubbish word to use when referring to the people you work with. And whilst I’m on the subject, how much do you cringe when you hear people referring to…

This may be controversial amongst Marketers but hopefully you’ll see my angle. Don’t invest any money in marketing until you’ve invested time, effort and money in cultivating and nurturing the right culture in your business! Imagine investing hard earned money on a marketing campaign that…

A message to all business owners….When is over-communication a bad thing? Certainly not now! As owners and leaders of your business it’s critical that we make sure we are constantly communicating with the most important people we have – our team! And let’s not just…

First things first….this quote applies to both genders….it’s just the way my gran said it to us all those years ago! And secondly, I’ve only just looked up who this quote was made by and it was James Allen…but as far as I’m concerned it’s…

Ever looked at it this way….. If feedback is the breakfast of champions, when you withold the feedback then you deprive the other person of the very fuel they need to become more of the person they want to be. Yet how many of us…

During a coaching session yesterday we discussed how to help people perform at their best and I found myself drawing this on the flip chart. The boat represents the person. The sail represents their strengths and the hole represents their weaknesses. The goal is to…

You’ve probably heard the acronymn of F.E.A.R standing for False Expectations Appearing Real. This is where we build something up in our minds that appears bigger, stronger, harder, uglier than it turns out to be. We scare ourselves of it and then when we confront…

Have a look at these species. There are similarities and there is a major difference. What do you think they are? Each have the ability to camouflage themselves within their environment. To be hidden. To not stand out. The animals of course ADAPT to the…

Looking forward to a management team session today in which we’ll be discussing how to raise awareness with team members so we can have constructive forward moving conversations that build for the future. As opposed to ignoring the issue entirely or tackling the issue too…