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Tag Archives: #coaching

The philosophy with which I operate my coaching business is centred around a very simple equation called R+R=R+R. Results + Relationships = Retention + Referral. If clients are getting good results and doing business together is enjoyable (ie the relationship is strong) then you create…

I’ve been watching a client consistently implement some excellent disciplines in their business and their lives recently. And it’s a great example to illustrate this picture on my office wall. The disciplines they are implementing are actually very small bite-sized things they do on a…

How often do you genuinely intend to do something, then sit on it, ponder it, kick it around, chat with others about it, get busy with other stuff and then, in the end….not do it?! Jim Rohn said that there is a Law of Diminishing…

We often teach that in business one of the most costly phrases is “I know”. People have said before “I know. I know. I should stop doing X” or “I should start doing Y” and then don’t do it! So if you had aspirations of…

Are you a supplier to or partner of your clients? Had an interesting coaching session with a professional services client yesterday in which we discussed this question. I’d never used Partick Lencioni’s 5 Dysfunctions of a Team framework in the context of a ‘seller/buyer’ relationship…

Interesting conversation with my coach Rob Pickering yesterday. The topic for discussion was a mantra we share at ActionCOACH….. “you don’t grow a business. You grow people and they grow the business“. So here’s the thing. I 100%, categorically, unequivocally, as-if-my-life-depended-upon-it believe this. I really…

For those who struggle to prioritise and manage their relationship with time here’s my take on Stephen Covey’s 4 Quadrants of Time Managament. Let me know what you think.

At times we can be our own worst enemy can’t we? We immobilise ourselves with some of the self-talk in our heads. We worry about stuff that might not even be true!!! FEAR – False Expectations Appearing Real. A colleague of mine once said a…

Do you take note of your energy levels? Are you aware of the times when you’re at your best and those times when the spark’s perhaps not there? For me, I’m an early bird. The time between 6-9am is SO productive. For the night owls…

What are you consciously doing to make yourself happy? As Abraham Lincoln said “Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be” A very close friend of mine and his wife have a superb habit which they’ve been doing for a…