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Tag Archives: #coaching

At times we can be our own worst enemy can’t we? We immobilise ourselves with some of the self-talk in our heads. We worry about stuff that might not even be true!!! FEAR – False Expectations Appearing Real. A colleague of mine once said a…

STEAL WITH PRIDE A GOOD IDEA! My colleague and great friend Chris Henry told me about the gratitude jar that he and his wife Tracy Henry have in their house….and we nicked their idea for ours! The jar sits on our kitched window sill with…

Worth watching Jim Collins (of Good to Great fame) explaining the Stockdale Paradox. Very pertinent today. The people who prevail in the end aren’t the pessimists or the optimists but the positive realists….those who have unwavering faith that they will prevail coupled with the ability…

I’ve not watched the news for the last week. Ignorant or sensible? I’m not a watcher of the news typically although I whilst we were unsure about the guidance the government were going to give I did sit down to watch the daily Boris briefing.…

In his weekly message our Director of Coaching James Vincent – World Class Business Coach shared some words that I have shamelessly stolen and popped in the image below. You’ll know doubt have heard these messages before. We can intellectually understand them can’t we? That’s…

Rather than ask you how at the end of the day “how’s your day been?” I’d rather ask a different question right now. “How’s your day going to be?” It’ll be how you choose it to be.

How do you refer to the people who work in your business? Please also note I didn’t say people who work FOR you or people who work UNDER you. Do you call these people your EMPLOYEES, your members of STAFF or something else? This is…

One of the many benefits we can take from lockdown is that people are starting to realise that procrastination is pish! I’ve seen faster action in the last few weeks than in any other 3 week period in a long while. Why? At last people…

There is no point being the best architect in your market, the best plumber in your locale, the best coach in your community if noone knows who you are!!!!!!!!!! It’s a bit like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you do…

We have a formula we use in ActionCOACH to help frame the personal development journey to “success”. BE x DO = HAVE 1. Define what you want to HAVE (experiences, relationships, possessions, abilities, giving) 2. This clarity makes it easier to understand what you need…