Through personal experience and through observing those I coach I have become a raving fan of “the 1st draft” and indeed every draft thereafter.

Here’s what I mean.

When we start coaching we get into things that you may not ever have given much thought to before. Your company vision, your values and culture, your personal goals, your beliefs, your personas, your USPs.

To some it initially feels quite hard. Quite clunky. Strange.

My encouragement is quite simply to put pen to paper and to write down what’s in your head. Give it a go. It’s hard to think entirely in your head. Much easier to think on paper where you can see your thoughts.

I’ve taken to calling it “Your first draft”. The important thing is to get something down. It’s not yet important to get it right. Once you start you have a position to build from and you can start to better formulate your thoughts.

Jordan Peterson (who has fast become a Guru of mine) explains it well here.

“The fool is the precursor to the saviour. The willingness to be a fool is the precursor to transformation. That’s the same as humility. You get smarter as you move forward”

Happy drafting!