Tag Archives: management

Ponder these 2 options if you are a business owner/leader: 1. Say “we don’t have time” to gather the team for a review of the last quarter. Another way of saying that is “we’re too busy” 2. Make the time for the review. Make it…

How do you respond when things aren’t quite right in your team? Do you shrug your shoulders and ask yourself “why don’t they just ‘get it’?” Do you start to point the finger of blame towards the team? Or do you have a growth mindset…

We’ve all heard the phrase before but in my experience I don’t see it being applied. In fact, the opposite tends to prevail. Hire Fast. Fire Slow……and that’s painful for everyone! Here’s my take.    

When you’re at the stage of needing to install a Leadership team in your business then, as the business owner, you’re about to experience the real benefits of leverage. Leverage of other people’s time, effort and energy. Leverage of other people’s experience, ideas and passion.…

Our most important job as leaders and managers is to build people’s confidence. Let’s face it, with confidence SO much more is possible. Without it, we’re stifled into inaction. At times you’ll see potential in others that they themselves don’t see in themselves. So what…

Let’s face it….most people in business HATE meetings. “That’s another hour of my life I won’t get back” is a commonly heard comment as the team leave the meeting room. “They’re pointless.  They waste valuable time. They’re unstructured. Nothing happens afterwards. They go off on…

Don’t get frustrated with your team if they are late for meetings, if they haven’t prepared for their 1-to-1 review, if they’ve sworn after hanging up the phone from a customer or if the telephone rings unanswered. Don’t get angry with the team if they’re…