How can 2 highlighter pens transform your communication?

Here’s how.

Go through your website, your last ‘sales email’, your marketing literature and where you see any words that talk about “our company”, “company name”, “we”, “our” “us”, “I” just highlight it in red.

Anything that talks about the recipient/your audience/your prospect like “you”, “your”, “you’ll”, “you’d” just highlight in green.

Now stand back and look at your communication. What colour prevails? If it’s red like in the short email in the picture below….don’t send it! It’s talking more about YOU than your customer. (In the example below the score was 11 red v 6 green. Bad email!)

Go back through the words and tilt as much as you can to talk specifically to your audience. The second email had a score of 0 red v 16 green. Good email!

Why’s this important? Simply put, your audience don’t care about you…..only about themselves.

Remember….the only radio station your audience tunes into is W.I.I.F.M.

Who knows what this stands for?