One of the most common things I hear when speaking with people in business is

“I just can’t seem to find the time”


“I’ve been meaning to get to it but just haven’t found the time”

I have to admit, it is a constant challenge but there are some tools that we can use to help us manage our time better. Click here to get some of the tools. Give them a go and see what difference it can make to your working week. They do work!

Also, see below this video with Stephen Covey (Author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) that I found on you tube which is very thought provoking.

Finally, one of the best books on Time Management I’ve read is Eat That Frog by Brian Tracy. Short book, big text, powerful tools. I definitely recommend it.

Hope you find something here that works for you and helps you get more from your time!

Get in touch if you want to learn more about getting a grip on your time and being more productive.